2. Installing the GCC-SLO compiler

The current GCC-SLO compiler is based on the GNU GCC compiler version 4.1. It has been extended to recognize option -fslo-instrument. When this option is used during compilation, all necessary compile-time information for SLO is dumped to .*_info files, and the resulting binary code is instrumented so that all necessary run-time information about reuses and their distance is recorded to a BRD file. The first step in analyzing your own programs with SLO is installing the GCC-SLO compiler, so that you can instrument your own program with it. The GCC-SLO compiler can be downloaded from following the download link at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/slo. At the time of writing, the latest release is gcc-slo-1.0.1-4.1.0.tar.gz.

Currently, no binaries are distributed: the GCC-SLO compiler is only distributed as source code. To build the compiler, you need the same software and libraries installed, as you would need to build the GCC compiler for C, C++ and Fortran. The prerequisites for building GCC are listed at http://gcc.gnu.org/install/prerequisites.html. Once you are sure that the prerequisites are met, the compiler can easily be built by running the script build-gcc-slo.sh included in gcc-slo-1.0.1-4.1.0.tar.gz. The script automatically builds the compiler for you, and installs it in $HOME/gcc-slo.