3. Command line options

java -jar slo.jar [[-c] | [--cut-off-percentage]percentage] [--default-cache-sizes-file filename.cachesize]
[--x-lowerbound x0] [--y-lowerbound y0] [--x-upperbound x1] [--y-upperbound y1]
[--dump-histogram-to-png-file filename.png] [--png-resolution resolution]
[--png-width width] [--png-height height]
[--dump-to-html dirname] [--max-nr-series-drawn nrSeries]
[--read-preferences filename.xml] [--store-preferences filename.xml]
[--dump-nr-refactorings-needed-vs-cachesize percentage] filename.slo.zip

-c percentage

This option specifies that only percentage percent of all reuses need to be read. The less important reuse information doesn't need to be read in. This can be useful to reduce the memory usage of SLO.

--cut-off-percentage percentage

See option -c

--default-cache-sizes-file filename.cachesize

At start-up, read in cache size info from filename.cachesize file filename.cachesize.

--x-lowerbound x0

Set default lower bound for X-axis in histogram to log2(x0).

--y-lowerbound y0

Set default lower bound for Y-axis in histogram to y0.

--x-upperbound x1

Set default upper bound for X-axis in histogram to log2(x1).

--y-upperbound y1

Set default upper bound for Y-axis in histogram to y1.

--dump-histogram-to-png-file filename.png

Take a screenshot of the reuse distance histogram, and dump it in PNG file format to file filename.png. After dumping the histogram, SLO exits.

--png-resolution resolution

Set the resolution of the png-file dumped by option --dump-histogram-to-png-file to resolution dpi.

--png-width width

Set the width of the png-file dumped by option --dump-histogram-to-png-file to width inches.

--png-height height

Set the height of the png-file dumped by option --dump-histogram-to-png-file to height inches.

--dump-to-html dirname

Create a web-page with the reuse distance histogram. In the web-page, when a bar is clicked in the reuse distance histogram, and JavaScript is enabled in the browser, the corresponding suggested refactoring is highlighted in a second browser frame. All files are dumped to directory dirname. The browse the result with a web-browser, browse to file index.html in directory dirname. After generating the HTML pages, SLO exits.

--max-nr-series-drawn nrSeries

The number of refactorings suggested by SLO may grow large for some complex programs. As a result, the reuse distance histogram contains many different colored bars. This may slow down the interactive drawing of the histogram too much. Therefore, this option allows to limit the number of colored bars drawn to nrSeries, so that SLO reacts quicker to user interaction. By default, the value of nrSeries is 40. All other less-important refactorings are combined into a single category named "other", and are drawn in black.

--read-preferences filename.xml

Reads preferences from the XML-file preferences.xml. For the list of preferences that can be set: see Section 4, “Preferences file options”

--store-preferences filename.xml

Writes preferences to the XML-file preferences.xml. The file is written after exiting SLO. For the list of preferences that can be set: see Section 4, “Preferences file options”

--dump-nr-refactorings-needed-vs-cachesize percentage

Writes out to standard output the minimum number of refactorings that must be applied to optimize at least percentage percent of all reuse distance longer than a given cache size. After dumping the table to stdout, SLO exits.